Friday, 11 May 2007

River Visit

Last week we went to see what we could find at the Hautapu river that might be causing pollution.

We found quite a few of pipes leading to nowhere. Rusting old things just siting there. and some dead animals.

As we got closer to the river you could see alot of green slimey stuff just sitting still in the river. There was also alot of rubbish and plastic bags.

We couldnt see the bottom of the river becasue there is alot of muddy gunk sitting in the bottom, we could only see the bottom in the more swift shallow parts.

We also went to the Papakai which is the Hautapu river to see what we could find. There is a sign there saying Do Not Enter s river is pollueted from Febrary Floods. The floods were in 2005.

It is really bad to see all this stuff that may be causing pollution to the river.

I do hope we can make a difference and start to clean it up

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