Friday, 29 June 2007

Our last Day

Today is our last day in Leadership and Communication as it is the last day of term.
I have totally enjoyed this class and have had a lot of fun.
I have learnt more about pollution then I already know and that the Hautapu is has a rating of poor.
We have succeeded in our goal of trying to raise awareness in the community by putting posters around town, writing to various newspapers and creating a movie.
I hope that we have made an impact and people will think before they do things that may pollute the river.

Friday, 22 June 2007

Film Making Wit A Laugh

It is our second to last day of leadership class today 22nd of June.
We have been in the township of Taihape today filming a short movie on what we have learnt about pollution and the Hautapu River this term.
Despite the weather we still went out and filmed we had 6 scenes.
Scene 1: Michael in the Studio

Scene 2: Main Street Dropping Rubbish
Jess- Reporter
Marika and Cassandra – Dropping Rubbish
Josh and Becca – Pollution Police

Scene 3: Washing the Car
Cassandra Marika- Washing Car
Becca and Josh- Pollution Police
Jess – Reporter

Scene 4: Fertiliser
Cassandra and Marika – Dumping Fertiliser
Becca and Josh – Pollution Police
Jess Reporter

Scene 5: Drain Water
Jess Reporter

Scene 6: Conclusion
Michael in Studio

Scene 7: Saying Thank-you

We will hopefully be able to put the movie on here soon for everyone to watch.
All in all today was a fun day and I enjoyed making our movie

Friday, 1 June 2007

Class Field Trip

Today we went on a class trip to Byfords Readimix and Hautapu Pine to see if they polluted the river.

Our first stop was at Byford Readimix we found out that they recycle all of their waste and re use it.

Second we went to Hautapu pine and all of their chemicals that they treat their pine with goes into a pond that gets emptyed every three years.

According to the man we spoke with at Hautapu Pine they dont pollute the Hautapu river.

We also went for a drive out to Mataroa a little village north of Taihape to Paengaroa Reserve to go for a walk to see the river it seemed really clean and clear to me.

We had a nice trip and found out alot of new things we didnt know.

Friday, 25 May 2007

River Visit

Today we visited the Hautapu river again so that we could test the water.

We wanted to test the clarity habitat flora and fauna so that we could see what kind of condition it was in, and what things we could find down there.

We found several little snails and they came under the poor category meaning that the water was poor that is why the snails lived in there and we found a worm which also was in the same category.
We also found a Dobson fly which comes under category three meaning that the habitat it lives in is quite clean.

We tested the clarity of the water and it was close to being poor but came under being fair.Which is still not very good for the waters clarity to be in.

Cassandra found some moss and mushrooms on the banks of the river.
It means that there is a lot of fungi around.

It was interesting to see what state the water is actually in and being able to test it ourselves what interesting too.

What we found out today is that the river is in quite a poor state.

Friday, 18 May 2007

Friday 18th May

Hi everybody today was an alright day we have got quite a lot of work done.

In our meeting this morning we had a brainstorm of what we are going to be doing in the next 7 weeks to get closer to our goal of cleaning the river.
We had a lot of ideas and have got a lot of work to do.

We all had designated jobs to do.

We also had a brainstorm on how to get our idea across to the community.

Today has been a good day ad we have got alot of ideas.


Friday, 11 May 2007

Our First Meeting

Today we had our first meeting about our project and how we are goin to accomplish it.

We talked about what we have done so far and what we need to do and how we are going to acheive this.

Our goal is to start to make a difference on the pollution of the Hautapu river.

We also thought about writing an article to the Taihape Times to tell the community what is polluting it and how we can solve this. Jess was choosen to write this article Michael Proof read it and ill will type it out.

We picked our Facillitator to be Michael and our note taker to be Jess.

We also as a class choose Jess and Michael to ring Horizions to see if they could find out what the pollution level in the Hautapu River is but unfortunatly they couldnt get through and had to leave a message.

Josh, Cassandra, Teri and Josh are goin to try update the wiki sometime through this week.

Mrs Hansen, Becka and Cody were absent from this meeting.

We will keep you posted on our meetings.


Thanks For Your Comments

Thank to everyone who has left me a comment your ideas are great.
Im unable to comment you back as your page is unaccessible to me.
So i hope to here from you again and feel free to give me any helpful ideas.

River Visit

Last week we went to see what we could find at the Hautapu river that might be causing pollution.

We found quite a few of pipes leading to nowhere. Rusting old things just siting there. and some dead animals.

As we got closer to the river you could see alot of green slimey stuff just sitting still in the river. There was also alot of rubbish and plastic bags.

We couldnt see the bottom of the river becasue there is alot of muddy gunk sitting in the bottom, we could only see the bottom in the more swift shallow parts.

We also went to the Papakai which is the Hautapu river to see what we could find. There is a sign there saying Do Not Enter s river is pollueted from Febrary Floods. The floods were in 2005.

It is really bad to see all this stuff that may be causing pollution to the river.

I do hope we can make a difference and start to clean it up

Friday, 4 May 2007

Issue Decided

We have decided on what we think is a good issue and we have decided as a class to do The Clean up of the Hautapu River.

We had a debate over which issue we thought would benefit Taihape as a community.

We didnt choose reyclying because we thught it would be too hard as a class to set this up in our community.

Also as a class we felt that opening the Cinema was not important as the other two issues.

I think Cleaning the Hautapu river was a good idea and will benefit the community

Friday, 27 April 2007

Hello World

Hi my name is Ariana,
I am Yr10 or 4th form and I attend Taihape Area School. I have lived in Taihape most of my life and this is the first time I have written a blog.
This is my blog for my leadership class.
We will be deciding on an issue that effects the community of Taihape, North Island, New Zealand we will be working to try and improve the issue.
Today we are brainstorming issues.
These are my ideas about Taihape:
The thing I like most about Taihape: The thing I like most about Taihape is that most of my family and Friends live here.
The thing I like least about Taihape:Is that we don't have that many clothes shops. if I want to go shopping usually we go out of town to get them as it is cheaper and has more variety.
If I were mayor of Taihape I would:
  • I would build a shopping complex,
  • Build New Grandstand,
  • Open the Cinemas,
  • Work on the pollution of the Hautapu river,
  • Have a kerb side recycling system
  • More sporting opportunities for youth.
If i had $10,000 to spend on the Taihape community: I would do something to help clean up the Hautapu river and make sure is doesn't get polluted in anyway.
Our class Guidelines
-Get your work done
-Be open to other peoples ideas
-Respect other people and their resources
We have as a class decided these guidelines and feel that we need them just to keep us in track.
Please leave a comment and tell me if you have any other ideas.
Thanks Ariana