Friday, 27 April 2007

Hello World

Hi my name is Ariana,
I am Yr10 or 4th form and I attend Taihape Area School. I have lived in Taihape most of my life and this is the first time I have written a blog.
This is my blog for my leadership class.
We will be deciding on an issue that effects the community of Taihape, North Island, New Zealand we will be working to try and improve the issue.
Today we are brainstorming issues.
These are my ideas about Taihape:
The thing I like most about Taihape: The thing I like most about Taihape is that most of my family and Friends live here.
The thing I like least about Taihape:Is that we don't have that many clothes shops. if I want to go shopping usually we go out of town to get them as it is cheaper and has more variety.
If I were mayor of Taihape I would:
  • I would build a shopping complex,
  • Build New Grandstand,
  • Open the Cinemas,
  • Work on the pollution of the Hautapu river,
  • Have a kerb side recycling system
  • More sporting opportunities for youth.
If i had $10,000 to spend on the Taihape community: I would do something to help clean up the Hautapu river and make sure is doesn't get polluted in anyway.
Our class Guidelines
-Get your work done
-Be open to other peoples ideas
-Respect other people and their resources
We have as a class decided these guidelines and feel that we need them just to keep us in track.
Please leave a comment and tell me if you have any other ideas.
Thanks Ariana


Rachel Hansen said...

Ari your blog looks great! I am really excited about working with you on this project.

Family said...


How are you? I love your ideas for your project, especially the one about sports for youth. I am from England but I live in Hollywood, California, USA - where they make all the best movies.

Best of luck with your project and say hello to Mrs Hansen from me.

Anonymous said...


Good luck with your projects! It sounds like you and your class are doing some really fantastic work. And nice work on your blog. It is both colorful and informative.

Berkeley, California
United States

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Keep the rest of the world posted on how your clean-up efforts unfold.

Portland, Oregon